Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Long Awaited Labor & Birth Video of Elijah

January 25, 2008 I went into labor around 5am My big sister Shaunna had been watching my kids for a week after my first trip to the hospital and 14 hours of unprogressed labor past 4cm. I was exhausted and the girls couldn't understand. They missed me by Thursday and I brought them home, so ofcorse labor started that morning. It was raining, so my Brother in Law got to be off work so he took Krisalyn, Gabriella, and took them to his house. Many of my plans changed when my support people were unable to come. But my mom, sister and acting doula Camron came to the house and we headed off to the hospital. The day wasn't too long, it was hard but I am so thankful that Breaunna and her cousins Joshua and Caitlyn were able to be there. I am very glad my big sister was there. Her continuous support really got me through it so easily. My mom as always was encouraging and just wonderful. And Camron, although I was her first birth, she massaged the right spots and never stopped or left my side. Even my doula Kathy who was unable to make it to the birth was awesome through phone support. My sweet husband was always there, even if he was filling the tub he was there for some pressure points or a hug or just to hold my hand. Despite being in the hospital we were left alone exept for an occational heart tone check. I walked, swayed, bounced, stomped, relaxed, and laughed my baby out. Please enjoy this little video that would not have been possible without the photos taken by my sister Shaunna, my 11 year old Nephew Josh, and some from my Mom Phyllis. THANKYOU.


BigMomma said...

Okay I couldn't wait anymore. The songs are perfect the pictures in this order are GREAT! I wish I had a picture of you inside RaceTrac!! It was a day I'm so proud to have been a part of and I will never EVER forget!

Anonymous said...

I love that video. I'm a 10 year old with two sibling's and impatient to have my next sibling my mom is ten day's late. your baby is so CUTE, i cant wait till it is my turn to hold my sister or brother. i hope your baby stays healthy.

Blessing's Ireland